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Australian Cartoon Called Racist and Misogynist

Once again The Australian has published a controversial cartoon.

From Huffington Post Australia:

The illustration was printed in The Australian, one of the country’s only two nationally distributed daily newspapers. The cartoon, which imagines Biden giving a missive to heal America’s racial divisions, depicts him deferring to Harris and saying, “I’ll hand you over to this little brown girl while I go for a lie-down.” The conservative News Corp-owned paper defended its decision to publish it after it drew outcry online.


From The Guardian:

In response to questions from Guardian Australia, the newspaper’s editor-in-chief, Chris Dore, said “Johannes was quoting Biden’s words” and pointed to a tweet Biden posted on Thursday.

Said The Australian’s newspaper’s editor-in-chief Chris Dore:

“When Johannes used those words, expressed in a tweet by Biden yesterday, he was highlighting Biden’s language and apparent attitudes, not his own.

“The intention of the commentary in the cartoon was to ridicule racism, not perpetuate it.

“In the context of Biden’s words, this is evident. Clearly some, including those without that context, have wrongly attributed Biden’s words to Johannes, and in doing so have attributed abhorrent and inaccurate motives to him.

“The Australian, and Johannes, opposes racism in all of its guises.”

According to HuffPost:

Dore had no further response when it was pointed out that the words in the cartoon were entirely different from Biden’s words ? which referred to children of color uplifted by Harris’s achievement, not to the senator from California herself.


The Australian’s official explanation is behind a paywall.

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Comments 4

  1. The cartoon isn’t racist; it’s accusing Joe Biden of being a racist. It’s also a brazen, scurrilous lie, which the editor doubled down on in defending it. That the paper is owned by News Corp is explanation enough. The only real surprise is that the offensive content is behind a paywall–I always assumed that propaganda was a loss-leader with these people.

  2. Whoopsie: racist AND misogynist. My mistake.

  3. Chris Dore:

    Why does everyone who works for Rupert Murdoch cover up lie play dead hide behind press immunity and perpetuate YELLOW TRUMPIAN JOURNALISM? Trump loved the.cartoon. The Trump sychophants loved the cartoon for one reason. Trump called the Inevitable President Buden SLEEPY JOE. I have no political correctness issues. Politics is a contact sport for Capt. Bone Spurs the DRAFT DODGER COWARD. YOUR PUBLIC missed your real message. LIE DOWN. You were trying to slip in a bot that Biden is dying and the public is voting for President Kamala.
    CAN’T READ ACCORDING TO HIS NEICE. Maybe you can send a csrtoonist over to him in The Orange House and help him read after fumigating him.
    Rupert is not a true American. He is the 2020 version of Sen. Joe McCarthy. He moves 99% of the RETHUGLICANS around by pulling on their nose rings. Herd mentality. Gerrymandering rejecting ballots. Throwing ballots in the garbage. All in unison to propagate the reelection of The Wannabe American Hitler.
    The only friends Trump has are yes men, but he still throws them unfer the bus as road kill. Trump lives every day with three Pravdas:
    1. Religion is the opium of the people.
    2. Better red than dead.
    3. Stslin: It matters not who votes. It only matters who counts the votes.

    Trump has only three friends.
    Putinsky Xi Jing & Kim Jung the dog eater. All Communists. Trump is the 4th Communist. A bridge hand.

    Communism and Fascism are identical


  4. :Chris Dore:

    Jim Murdoch already abandoned ship for all the lies his father promotes.

    Why does everyone who works for Rupert Murdoch cover up lie play dead hide behind press immunity and perpetuate YELLOW TRUMPIAN JOURNALISM? Trump loved the.cartoon. The Trump sychophants loved the cartoon for one reason. Trump called the Inevitable President Buden SLEEPY JOE. I have no political correctness issues. Politics is a contact sport for Capt. Bone Spurs the DRAFT DODGER COWARD. YOUR PUBLIC missed your real message. LIE DOWN. You were trying to slip in a bot that Biden is dying and the public is voting for President Kamala.
    CAN’T READ ACCORDING TO HIS NEICE. Maybe you can send a csrtoonist over to him in The Orange House and help him read after fumigating him.
    Rupert is not a true American. He is the 2020 version of Sen. Joe McCarthy. He moves 99% of the RETHUGLICANS around by pulling on their nose rings. Herd mentality. Gerrymandering rejecting ballots. Throwing ballots in the garbage. All in unison to propagate the reelection of The Wannabe American Hitler.
    The only friends Trump has are yes men, but he still throws them unfer the bus as road kill. Trump lives every day with three Pravdas:
    1. Religion is the opium of the people.
    2. Better red than dead.
    3. Stslin: It matters not who votes. It only matters who counts the votes.

    Trump has only three friends.
    Putinsky Xi Jing & Kim Jung the dog eater. All Communists. Trump is the 4th Communist. A bridge hand.

    Communism and Fascism are identical


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