AAEC-feed Comic strips Controversies

#BoycottScottAdams Trends as Scott Promotes It

I guess Scott Adams believes in the old bromide
“There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

From Scott’s Twitter feed:

The Pop Times article (which cannot be linked to at this time) is, if I am understanding things, a repost of a three week old article from Meaww of July 1. The uproar is (was?) the result of a July 1st Scott Adams tweet warning of a Biden presidency:

From the Meaww article:

His tweets amassed more than 12,630 retweets and prompted ‘Dilbert’, ‘#BoycottScottAdams’, and ‘#F**kDilbert’ to become trending topics on the social media platform. The creator of the famous office character Dilbert has always been candid about his political views on social media and his blog. He heavily endorsed Trump for president during the 2016 elections and accused Hillary Clinton’s campaign of fueling “violence against police, violence against Trump supporters, and death threats to bloggers such as me.”

The cartoonist seems to be enjoying the hubbub.

 Scott generally avoids politics in his Dilbert comic strip, though the he may be letting that seep in.

Scott Adams Controversial Cartoon
© Scott Adams

At least one reader thinks so, and is calling for her paper to boycott the strip:

I have laughed at Dilbert comics numerous times over the years. But I find nothing funny about the recent racist comic strips (starting Monday 7/13). A quick internet search led me to see that Scott Adams, Dilbert’s creator, has recently been making claims of “reverse racism,” among other troubling statements.

I call on the Recorder to drop Dilbert and replace it with a comic strip created by a Black artist.

The daily sequence ran for the week.

Dilbert commenting on social issues is normal, but as Sunday’s strip shows Scott may be slipping in some political commentary among the societal satire:

© Scott Adams

Of course a look at any comics page will reveal a number of “opinion-neutral” comic strips taking on political issues on any given day.



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Comments 1

  1. I like Dilbert a lot. I hate the fact the Adams leans in this direction, but if I believe what I say I believe I can’t argue for suppressing his work. (At the same time, I suspect that in a lot of this he is just having us on, making us squirm.)

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