Earlier this year saw the 30th anniversary of the Pickles comic strip by Brian Crane.
John Cutter for the Lake Sentinel edition of the Orlando Sentinel interviewed Brian.
[John Cutter] called Crane recently at his home in Reno, Nevada to talk about drawing the strip since 1990, when a lifelong love of drawing and a “mid-life crisis” led him to start “Pickles.”
Crane said he drew from an early age, but never imagined it could be a career. He got into advertising, where he says he often used cartoons in his work.
But as he approached 40, “I thought I should try it, before it was too late.”
His idea involved an older couple who started out as a sometimes sweet but often crotchety retirees. Over time, they have evolved, often more sweet and teasing, but at times with the loving bite that longtime married couple bring.
“I love the moments between grandchild and grandfather,” Crane says. “I enjoy seeing Nelson’s expression at his grandfather. He makes comments with his eyes.”
“Pickles” was rejected by three syndicates and Crane says he was ready to give up the dream, but his wife, Diana, encouraged him to try again.
That time it worked, and “Pickles” now appears in more than 900 newspapers, syndicated by the Washington Post.
Read the full Lake Sentinel article/interview.
Crane says he loves hearing from readers. The easiest way to get him is through his Facebook page at Facebook.com/picklescomic or email picklescomic@gmail.com.