Lazin’ On a Sunday Afternoon
Skip to commentsFrazz and Lola synchronicity on a Sunny Afternoon.
What are the chances? As Frazz implies better this time of year than the dead of Winter.
Blasphemy on the Comics Page.
The Exodus Chapter 3 recording of Moses meeting with God on Mount Sinai is one of the most important events in Judaism and Christianity. It proceeds the freeing of Hebrew slaves from Egypt.
In a letter published today, a reader takes exception to a Rhymes With Orange panel:
To make a comic strip published May 14 about Moses meeting God, who speaks to him from a (non-consuming) burning bush, where Moses was told to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground, is extremely disrespectful.
To insinuate that Moses asks God to keep the bush burning when God is finished talking so children can toast marshmallows is blatant sacrilege.
This comic strip message gives just another indication of the degeneration taking place in our nation. Let’s see what happens if we continue giving God less and less honor and respect.
Back to the Future of Sunday Comics.
Next week the Southern Standard will reduce its print four page Sunday Funnies section to one page.
The Standard is downsizing to a one-page Sunday Comics section beginning next week. The full four-page section will still be posted on our website.
These days with the 11 inch wide Sunday comics section, and some papers printing Sunday comic strips side by side, it would seem possible to print four pages of comics on one page at postage stamp size (which doesn’t seem to bother the editors).
Since Mike brought up Edgar Rice Burroughs and his writing…
The subject of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ heroines has long been a subject of friendly debate among fans. Detractors point out that ERB’s fictional women are usually physically weak, dependant on men, and often in need of rescue.
The recent online issue of ERBzine carries Alan Hanson’s critique of one idiosyncrasy of ERB stories: The Heaving Bosom Syndrome.
Robb Armstrong ended this week’s JumpStart dailies with cartoonists vs readers vs growth.
Elsewhere Mark Tatulli deals with change as he ends his 21½ year run on Heart of the City.
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