AAEC-feed Editorial cartooning Pulitzer Prize

Jape Handicaps The Pulitzers

The Pulitzer Prize winners, usually named the third Monday of April, will be announced
this coming first Monday of May. J. P. Trostle has taken on the insane task of handicapping
the editorial cartoonists’ chances of winning their category this year.

Sez Jape:

Based on the past performance of the judges doling out the award, here then are the odds for the 2020 Pulitzer Prize in Editorial Cartooning!

A Podcast by Art Spiegelman
I honestly have no idea if Art Spiegelman has a podcast, but if he did…

Ann Telnaes, Washington Post
The Pulitzers, firmly set in their ways for decades, only recently began…

Michael Ramirez, Las Vegas Review-Journal
The Pulitzers’ Achilles Heel has always been if they see a well drawn…

One of the New Yorker cartoonists
Which is not to say the Pulitzer judges can’t think outside of the box…

Pat Bagley (scratch)
The big brains at Columbia University must have noticed by now that…
(we’ve just been informed that Pat didn’t enter this year, so scratch that)

Ted Rall
Sometime in the mid ’90s, the Pulitzer people became aware of…

And so on and so forth; naming about two dozen candidates and giving the odds of their winning The Prize. Read J.P.’s wonderfully aware (“the Pulitzer judges are suckers for pretty art,” “The Pulitzer judges…rarely stray from their comfort zone,” “the Pulitzer judges [and] their precious New York Times”) look at the cartoonists and their chances for The Pulitzer at the JP Trostle Facebook page.


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