Comic Books Comic strips Obituary

Steve Stiles – RIP

Cartoonist Steve Stiles has passed away.

Stephen Willis Stiles
July 16, 1943 – January 11, 2020


Steve Stiles is a cartoonist I recognize from his underground comix work.
His work appeared in comix books with irresistible titles like Dope Comix and Bizarre Sex.
In some box around here I have those floppies, along with his solo Hyper Comics.

Before and after his stopover in ug comix he was a fan and science fiction artist, a cartoonist, and illustrator. Jerry Bails’ Who’s Who has a bibliography of the first half of his career.

Steve could alter his style to what the project required.

More galleries can be viewed here, here, and at Steve’s homepage here.

Comic books and cartoons, illustrations and art.
Steve came thiiis close to newspaper comic strips.



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Comments 1

  1. First time I noticed the never made it 1990 Lil Abner revival comic strips, even though Pogo and Terry and the Pirates did have few year revivals.

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