Alt Weekly Gives Up on Cartoons
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Jen Sorensen passes on some sad news:
Though she doesn’t identify the paper I believe it was one of the Southland Publishing weeklies,
which last year was purchased by the Arizona-based Times Media Group.
“The Southland publications have always been special in their connection with the communities they serve,” [Steve Strickbine, president of Times Media Group] added. “We can’t wait to further solidify that connection and do even more to demonstrate our commitment to our readers, our advertisers and our neighbors.”
Southland Publishing, founded in 1997, has five offices located in Downtown Los Angeles, Ventura County, Santa Monica, Pasadena and San Diego.
The TMG purchase includes all five newsweeklies: the LA Downtown News, the Pasadena Weekly, The Argonaut, the VC Reporter and the San Diego City Beat.
With this year bringing a flood of 20/20 vision remarks, newspapers remain myopic.
Jen Sorensen is one of many affected by shortsighted publishers.
Rickey Scott and Mike Peterson’s PSA is a reminder that we
may lose our favorite cartoonists unless we actively support them.
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