Non Sequitur Returns to Joplin Globe Lineup – Paper Adds Bizarro, Big Nate, Broom-Hilda, more
Skip to commentsThe Joplin (Missouri) Globe has announced major changes to its comics pages.
From a November Comics survey the newspaper determined that the favorite strips are
Pickles in the daily comics and For Better or For Worse was the Sunday favorite.
Zits came in #2 in both the daily and the Sunday polling.
The Globe reports:
The least favorite of those daily comics: “Get Fuzzy.”
The least favorite of those that run Sunday: “Wallace the Brave,” and right next to it at the bottom of the barrel was “Nancy.”
Non Sequitur, which had been dropped earlier, has been reinstated:
As for “Non Sequitur,” readers were forgiving…[and] thought the author, Wiley Miller, deserved another shot after he scrawled an expletive aimed at President Donald Trump in the bottom right corner of a panel earlier this year and was discontinued.
Heartening news for me was:
‘Prince Valiant’?
“Prince Valiant,” a strip that has been around for more than 80 years, provoked strong passion on both sides. He’s clearly a love-him-or-hate-him character.
“Slay ‘Prince Valiant.’ And ‘Nancy,’” wrote one reader.
“I hate ‘Prince Valiant,’” wrote another. “Take it away!”
“Please do not cancel ‘Prince Valiant,’” said one of his defenders.
It was touch-and-go for the hero for a while, but true to his name, Prince Valiant rallied. He lives to fight another day.
So here’s the good news and the bad news:
“Get Fuzzy,” “Ziggy,” “Rhymes with Orange” and “The Grizwells” have been dropped from the daily lineup.
They will be replaced by “Baby Blues,” “Non Sequitur,” “Big Nate,” “Pooch Cafe” and “Bizarro.”
“Nancy,” “Wallace the Brave,” “WUMO,” “Ziggy,” “Mutts,” “Close to Home” and “Frank and Ernest” are being dropped from the Sunday comic lineup.
Being added Sunday are “Pickles,” “Non Sequitur,” “Big Nate,” “Rhymes with Orange,” “Pearls Before Swine,” “Wizard of Id” and “Broom Hilda.”
There may be an update coming. They list Pickles, Pearls Before Swine, and Rhymes With Orange as being added to the Sunday roster, but their November survey showed those three strips already running on Sundays. And why would they drop the daily Orange but add it to Sundays? (But they also list the daily-only The Grizzwells on that Sunday survey list.)
A bit surprised that Mutts got dropped, I thought all us old farts liked that gentle humor and artsy stuff.
Non Sequitur and Big Nate got picked up for both daily and Sunday;
while Baby Blues, already running on Sundays got added to the daily page.
Broom-Hilda is a favorite of mine from the old days – and from those mass market paperbacks.
I believe a smile crossed my face when reading it was among the additions.
Anyway, it turns out Russell Myers has some local ties.
Go here to read about that and the full report of Joplin Globe changes.
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