Comic strips Creators Syndicates

“Caption It!” – New Syndicated Feature(?) – update

Original December 4 post:

A new feature showed up on the Creators Syndicate page this week.

Caption It! by Steve Breen takes the popular cartoon caption contests and lets the Sunday Funnies readers have a shot at it.

From the Creators’ site:

“Caption It!” is a new cartoon caption contest that runs every week in this space. Are you creative? Do you have a weird sense of humor? Then send us a submission along with your name and town!

Email entries to or go to @caption_it_cartoon on Instagram to comment/like.

Remember to keep captions brief and clean. Good luck!

The image above is the only example available at the moment. As seen on the linked page there are four dates – November 10, 17, 24, and December 1. All Sundays; and that is the only way I can see such a feature working. As a Sunday installment it will give the space needed to proffer one cartoon for consideration, while also leaving space for a previous cartoon to be shown with the readers suggested captions.

That being said none of the four samples of the earlier dates are shown. I would guess that they have shown them to someone somewhere so that when the feature shows up in newspapers (will it be offered to newspapers?) it will be fully realized with an already completed caption contest and a new caption contest entry.

Start date????????


Update December 6, 2019

Creators is now showing samples on the Caption It! page



Creator Steve Breen is a well-known, Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist for the San Diego Union-Tribune, whose work there is syndicated by Creators. At the Union-Tribune Steve has been offering a caption contest to its readers since at least March 2017.

Steve was also the creator of Grand Avenue for its first decade.


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Comments 1

  1. The site’s not working for me, even if I click on the title and then the tag. They must have seen me coming.

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