AAEC AAEC-feed Editorial cartooning Web Sites

The New AAEC Website

Every fifteen years or so the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists overhauls its website.
November 1, 2019 marks the latest.

The old face of editorialcartoonists.com:

The new face of editorialcartoonists.com (yes, the address remains the same):

I guess this refurbishing explains the occasional “service unavailable” message that one got when checking in on the page the past couple weeks.

As with any new updated website glitches will appear; this morning, for instance, the site has gone temporarily blank or not connecting at all (like while I was composing this item). But things will work out.

Testing has been going on for the new site and the AAEC’s man in charge of the internets has written members about the new upgrade:

Hey all, thanks for all the feedback on the new site.
It has revealed some cracks we didn’t know were there, and helped push us to make a decision. The official announcement will come shortly, but we will be pulling the plug on the old site tomorrow at Midnight.
As you know, upgrading is ALWAYS rough, so we ask for your patience…

And on the new site the AAEC Digital Editor welcomes us but does warn of gremlins: “The new site is still under construction.”

In October 2019 the AAEC announced, on Facebook, they had turned off their news blog, mentioning that members would still be able to get news from the AAEC Facebook page and their Twitter feed, and another place (thanks!):

…we just turned off the AAEC news blog that feeds into our soon to be retired website. It wasn’t going to make the transition to the new site anyway, so when it came time for our annual renewal, we decided to cut it off.

(Alas, if you have shared or embedded any links to those articles, they are now dead.)

You can catch the news over on Daily Cartoonist (who are doing a GREAT job btw), and we post every day on the Twitter feed @AAEC_Cartoonist and Facebook

And I’m sure the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists members will update their profiles as quickly as the National Cartoonists Society members updated their bios after that site’s recent reconstruction. (We all know how prompt cartoonists are when not under deadline.)

But, for someone who hates change, this site looks good and I’m looking forward to it being full up.


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