Andrews McMeel Syndication Comic strips Syndicates

Dark Side of the Horse – New Syndicated Comic?

Speaking of syndicate homepages

The Andrews McMeel Syndication homepage has recently added a new comic strip to its lineup.

Dark Side of the Horse by Samson (aka Samuli Lintula) is now on the page for print syndication.

From what I can suss from the history of the strip it possibly first appeared in 2008.
The GoComics archive of the strip goes back to June 25, 2010.

There are rumors of it appearing 100 years ago:

Here comes the

I can find nothing on the Dark Side of the Horse Facebook page or elsewhere mentioning anything about syndication. The last time a new title appeared on the AMS page it was not syndicated to newspapers. And Lord only knows what’s up with Frog Applause there.

However, if Dark Side of the Horse is headed for newspapers, the art and humor is perfect for 21st Century newspaper comic pages; and I can see the all-black Horace standing out on the daily pages. Especially the black and white pages.


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