Comic Shops May Not Survive The Book Channel
Skip to commentsBusiness Insider reports:
- The “book channel” – which includes chain bookstores and online retailers – is projected to surpass comic shops as the the largest channel for comics sales this year.
- There are two major reasons why this is happening: Graphic novels are growing in popularity primarily through the book channel and children’s comics, which are almost exclusively in the graphic-novel format, are now more popular than superhero comics.
- The comic industry has operated for decades on a “direct market” business model, which is more skilled in single-issue comics over the graphic novel format.
The “book channel” – which includes chain and independent bookstores, online retailers like Amazon, and the Scholastic Book Fair – is projected to pass comic shops as the largest channel for comic sales in North America this year, industry website ICv2 revealed at a post-New York Comic Con conference last week.
Business Insider’s article on why the comic shops, whose specialty is the single-issue superhero “floppy,” will have to adapt if they are to survive.
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