Comic strips

Comic Strip Bon Mots and Who Knows

If you’re not happy with Christmas in stores before Halloween…

I’m used to cartoonists getting a week or two into January before pasting the correct copyright notice on those strips. And maybe even getting a bit of a jump by doing it early, say the last week of December. But I think Dana Summers is so far ahead of schedule that he accidentally dipped into the wrong October file and sent 2020 strips to the syndicate.

Both Dan’s strips, Bound and Gagged and The Middletons, are carrying 2020 copyrights this week.



Yeah, I know I’ve already mentioned the Sally Forth Halloween story…

but Jim Keefe is a cartoonist who keeps on giving.

Jim Keefe, graduate of the Joe Kubert School, has teamed up with another Kubie, Stephen R. Bissette, to create a really nice piece of promo art. Read all about it at Jim’s blog.



Leaks spring from the White House, but not the Andrews McMeel homestead.

I’m amazed that after a year and a half the identity of Olivia Jaimes remains a secret. Though there are people guessing. “WarrenHarding” thinks Allie Brosh may be the mysterious Ms. Jaimes. And reading their books, Brosh’s introductory comic in Hyperbole and a Half and Jaimes’ Vulture interview reprinted in Nancy: A Comic Collection, both show an obsession with dogs.

Of course both Francesco Marciuliano and Charles Brubaker have this cat thing going on,
and I’m pretty sure they are two different cartoonists.

Elsewhere “muddgirl” is sure Kate Beaton is Olivia: “Kate Beaton is Olivia Jaimes. Give me a few minutes and I’ll have the whole red-string board set up to prove it.”



My favorite Super-Fun-Pak comic this week. Love the coming tomorrow blurb.



Copyrights and Trademarks

When I heard about a new Kudzu book I immediately thought of Doug Marlette’s comic strip. Apparently the copyright and trademark has not been renewed in a timely manner, and so “kudzu” as a comic-related title was available.




Paul Trap’s tribute to MAD, with an actual Fold-In!

This past Thursday’s Beetle Bailey:



Aneurysm and Mike

Dick Tracy writer Mike Curtis is having some medical problems, if you can help…




Of late Lambiek has been updating its Comiclopedia regularly, including silent screen mega-comedian Larry Semon (who was also a cartoonist).



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Comments 1

  1. I am loving these! I’m 80 so some of these bring back memories. Keep up the good work.

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