Comic strips

“Long Story Short” No Longer?

Above is the October 5, 2019 issue of Long Story Short by Daniel Beyer.

That seems to be the end of the feature. Neither GoComics nor ArcaMax has updated it since that first Saturday in October. More tellingly is that Beyer’s syndicate Creators has not updated  the panel. Commenters on the GoComics and ArcaMax sites have remarked on the ending, none of which I can confirm. Just last month Daniel Beyer was interviewed and he did not mention leaving the world of syndication.

Daniel has been cartooning since around 2008. In 2010 he put his Long Story Short (LLS) panel on Universal’s Comics Sherpa website, which led, it has been said, to him getting on the GoComics page. The following year he entered his cartoons in the 2011 Cartoonists Studio contest, which he won. The award for that was to get a development contract with Creators Syndicate. Daniel’s LSS began appearing on Creators, still in development, on June 14, 2011. Long Story Short began running daily (six days a week) on August 11, 2014; which I can only guess was the beginning of the panel’s syndication.

During the “in development” phase Daniel created some Sunday-style strips and panels (above), but as far as I know there never was a Sunday offered in syndication.

If, indeed, the feature has ended this is my listing:

Long Story Short
by Daniel Beyer
?August 11, 2014? – October 5, 2019
daily panel
Creators Syndicate
[first appeared online in 2010 at Comics Sherpa]

below: an early Comics Sherpa (GoComics?) LSS panel.


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Comments 3

  1. If Long Story Short has ended: It would be the 3rd. newspaper comic strip to end in 2019 along with Ballard Street and The Knight Life, but Get Fuzzy hasn’t announced its official end of the strip despite reruns all 7 days for 6 and a 1/2 months now.

  2. Was LSS ever in newspapers? Was GoComics sharing it only ‘for exposure’ or do they actually renumerate cartoonists when they are syndicating digitally only?

  3. In an interview from last month:
    “Alas, none of the print publications running [Long Story Short] are in Wisconsin, but of the handful elsewhere that do, he says, “Two of my clients are big enough to sustain it for the time being.”

    Note “publications” and “clients” not newspapers, so I can’t guarantee a traditional newspaper appearance. Though it has been said that the Chicago Tribune bought the rights to the panel, but never ran it. If true, that paper could have been one of the clients.

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