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Editor Quits After Unauthorized Dean Yeagle Art


The current issue of the French magazine Blandice has a Dean Yeagle cover,

unfortunately, due to a series of mistakes, Dean was neither credited nor paid for the art.


Tom Heintjes noticed it while traveling abroad and informed Dean.

Dean, taking it in stride, wrote on Facebook:


Then Bleeding Cool picked it up:

Blandice there, a comic book that declares itself as comics without tops or bottoms…
or, it seems, a robust copyright clearance system.


Tom Heintjes, on Twitter, summarizes as the editor of Blandice has resigned:



Tom, editor of the Hogan’s Alley magazine, felt empathy for the Blandice editor.


A Google translation of Katia Even Autrice’s resignation:


The editor also explained on the Blandice Facebook page (also a Google translation):


To be clear: Dean took it in good humor and was not calling for any heads to roll.


For any who may be unaware of the art of Dean Yeagle
boy, are you in for a treat! (not recommended for minors or work)

above: for Ray Bradbury




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