Not Letting a Sleeping New York Times Lie
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Cartoonists and Columnists continue to take the New York Times to task
for banning political cartoons from both their domestic and International editions.
Yesterday morning Mike Lynch produced a roundup of some of the cartoonists responses to the abhorrent action taken by “the paper of record”.
Mike shows Ann Telnaes complete response (in a multi-panel format, which is apparently the only format the Times will now consider), along with a goodly number of other cartoonists.
Above is the Liza Donnelly “Cartoon to the Editor” that was published in the Times. Liza kindly sent Mike a jpeg of the effort that is now on Mike’s page – but I prefer this shot of the Times printed edition, so…
Later that same morning the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists issued a (fish)wrap up of reactions from the world at large, in both prose and drawing, of the detestable decision made by the Times. This includes statements by the National Cartoonists Society, PEN, newspapers and organizations across the nation and the world, our own Mike Peterson, and cartoonists expressing themselves in words and pictures (JP Trostle, above).
Then, this morning, the Phildaelphia Inquirer weighed in with an editorial on the subject interspersed with a collection of cartoonists’ objections (Dave Whamond shown).
Add in our earlier collection of first responders (which included KAL above) and you would think that would cover it.
But while other events call for their attention,
the justified umbrage at the Times action is worldwide and not forgotten:
“Gore the ox” single-panel cartoons have been around since ink first kissed paper. Visual commentary and satire have always been an asset to newspapers and their readership. The exposure of hypocrisy in our times is needed more now than ever with the miscreant currently in the White House.
Excerpt of cartoonist Walt Carr‘s Letter to the Editor of the Baltimore Sun.
Political cartooning has always been a difficult and precarious way to make a living and most cartoonists will be aware of the ups and downs of pursuing this unusual career. But when a cartoonist’s position is cut due to editorial timidity or simply a lack of understanding of the power and importance of this art form, then it’s a sad day for anyone who gives a damn about holding the powerful to account.
Cartoonist Brian Adcock writes an opinion piece for UK’s Independent.
I think the thing that bothers me most about the
@nytimes‘ blanket decision to ban political cartoons is the snobbery. Those of us who draw our analyses instead of writing them have long labored under a kind of cultural classism that views our work as unserious.
Cartoonist Jen Sorenson has some thoughts.
Paul Berge with an explanation.
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