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Charity Auctions – Buy Original Cartoon Art

Only a week to go for two charity events highlighted by auctioning of cartoons.

Editorial and magazine cartoonists have made contributions to benefit two good causes.

above: Steve Kelley, Rob Rogers


First up, with an auction ending May 7, is the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

The RCFP provides pro boon legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists.

Look at available cartoons from op-ed and magazine pages
for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.



above: Jen Sorensen, Emily Flake


The second event, and it is an event, is for the benefit of Press Forward.

Press Forward is an independent initiative whose mission is to create safe, civil and diverse workplaces for women and men to do their best work in journalism. We believe every voice in the newsroom matters – from the intern to the anchor – and journalists should strive for change that is reflective of not only the American population but ethical work standards.

This auction ends May 8th with a party.

Here’s is a view of some of the cartoon art available for bid.


A hat tip, and for more information go to
Michael Maslin’s Ink Spill
and to the
Association of American Editorial Cartoonists.




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Comments 1

  1. It’s worth noting that when cartoonists make such donations they are doing it out of pure philanthropy. The screwed up laws in this country don’t allow us to take the value of our work and use it to get small tax decreases at all. All we can claim is the cost of the materials used to produce the cartoon, usually a couple bucks at best. Charitable causes don’t apparently know this and give us receipts for whatever the piece sells for. It’s a ridiculous law. Correct me if I’m wrong. I’d love to be. But several tax experts have told me this.

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