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90 Years Ago – Herblock Debuts


The Chicago Daily News – April 24, 1929
Herbert Block, signing Herblock, begins his career as an editorial cartoonist.


Herblock would continue for 72 years, until his death in 2001.
During that time he would be awarded three Pulitzer Prizes.
The first for a comment about Joseph Stalin.


The last Pulitzer for his “body of work,” and quite an cartoon archive it turned out to be.
What does it say about America that many are as relevant today as when first published.


above: what may be Herblock’s most famous cartoon.

























below: 30 years ago Herblock even had a Trump cartoon



It was always a delight to find a new Herblock book.

For more about Herblock and more cartoons
check out the Library of Congress Herblock page.



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