AAEC-feed Awards Editorial cartooning

What’s a Cartoonist Like You…(Two)

The Press Club of Atlantic City has announced the winners for the 85th National Headliner Awards.

For editorial cartoons

First Place
Rob Rogers robrogers.com
Judges’ comments: ?This collection of cartoons gets high marks for originality, diversity of topics, quality of artwork and clarity of message. An outstanding entry all around.

Second Place
Ward Sutton The Boston Globe, Boston, Mass.
Third Place
Michael Ramirez Las Vegas Review-Journal, Las Vegas, Nev.

Also: Congratulations to Michael Cavna in the Best Blog category:
Second Place
“Comic Riffs: The Power of Political Art”
Michael Cavna The Washington Post, Washington, D.C.



10 Questions in 10 Minutes with Tom Falco  this past weekend
featured Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Darrin Bell.

TOM: Congrats on winning the Pulitzer prize! How did you find out?

DARRIN: Thank you. My editor at the Washington Post Writers Group called me at my home in California and told me. They flew me out to DC a couple days later so I could be in the Post newsroom during the announcement.



Another Pulitzer Prize winner, Sacramento Bee editorial cartoonist Jack Ohman, traveled across the country to The University of Maine Communications and Journalism Department as the 2019 Alan Miller Visiting Journalist.

Ohman said that he falls left-of-center politically and admits his bias in the work he does. He does hold himself to a moral standard, however, and maintains the truth in all he draws.

“What I do is interpret basic facts using irony or humor. That’s opinion and I’m allowed to do that,” said Ohman.

Finn Bradenday reports on the April 15 visit.



The world’s first ever international cartoon award dedicated to women cartoonists.

After some months working on the concept and wonderful exchanges with Dear Ann Telnaes, Marilena Nardi and Anne Derenne, and gathering ideas, United Sketches is honored to announce the very first International award exclusive to Women cartoonists.

Why for Women Cartoonists ?

– Because the equality is still a dream to achieve in 21st century! “United Sketches” International organization offers this annual award exclusively to women cartoonists to fight patriarchy and inequality.

Details for the Women Cartoonists International Award at United Sketches.



Editorial cartoonists are the front line of expressing and forming opinions in media. The quick-hit reactions and interpretations of current events paint provocative and, sometimes, surprisingly thorough pictures of the individuals and events that shape our world, distilling relevant dynamics in ways most purely electronic media can’t.

Those individuals and events include forces at play concerning the press itself, and thus editorial cartooning can be necessarily meta. This is at the heart of a new exhibition at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, “Front Line: Editorial Cartoonists and the First Amendment,” one of two new exhibitions at the museum that open on April 20, and continue through the fall (the second is “Drawing Blood: Comics and Medicine”).

A preview of the exhibit (which will be up during this year’s AAEC convention).



As an editorial writer at the News & Observer for three years, I worked closely with my fellow Arkansan, Dwane Powell whom I called “Deewayne” to remind him of his roots. One of my assignments was to select cartoons to go on the op-ed page.

What separated Dwane from other cartoonists, in my opinion, was his talent as a caricaturist like Thomas Nast. None of our stable of cartoonist masters except for MacNelly could match Dwane’s talent and artistry for caricature.

I write this memory of Dwane in the hopes that the News & Observer will enter his cartoons to the Pulitzer committee for caricature. It’s long past time that this unmatched talent be recognized.

Barlow Herget thinks knows Dwane Powell deserves a Pulitzer.


below: the famous R. Cobb cartoon Dwane homaged above




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