CSotD: The Least Policy
Skip to commentsI’ll admit I came to this morning’s blog posting in a negative mood, having trudged through King Features’ new, improved website for the first time, but also-and-mostly having seen enough Joe Biden cartoons in the last 48 hours to last a lifetime.
Well, Mark Streeter at least concedes that, while it is an irresistible topic for cartoonists, it’s fizzling as a (true) political issue, because, while some women have come forward to complain, many others have brushed it off as inconsequential.
And since we elect people who grab women’s genitals, who cares about this?
I’m starting to think only Republicans and editorial cartoonists care about this, which reminds me of when Al Gore was branded a liar for things that he hadn’t said but which made great jokes and cartoons.
Who needs foreign collusion when you’ve got late night talk show hosts?
By the way, I’m not a Biden supporter and I think the only reason he’s up in the polls is because people have heard of him. Once they’ve heard of some other candidates, that will change.
Rather, it reminds me of the old joke about the singer who approaches an audience member and says, “I noticed you weeping when I sang ‘My Old Kentucky Home.’ Are you from Kentucky?”
“No, I’m a musician.”
Well, I like cartoons.
If you do want to see a lot of Joe Biden cartoons, Michael Cavna has a collection here.
Me, I’m ready to move on.
On a similar note, there’s Brexit, and, hey, I’m in the mood to complain, so bring it on.
Steve Benson pretty much says as much as any American cartoonist has said about it. Oddly enough, it’s also about as much as any British cartoonist has said about it recently.
I monitor a number of British cartoonists and “Theresa May Screwed It Up” appears to be their main theme, which is bad for her, but then again, while everyone seems to agree that anybody could have done a better job, they don’t provide much clue as to who or how.
And it’s well past time to address the larger question of what happens when people stay home because they assume a vote is going to come down on the side of common sense and then it doesn’t and you find yourself immersed in a disaster.
I guess we can all relate to that.
In fact, we’re seeing an interesting division of sheeps and goats in this country, as true conservatives separate themselves from partisan hacks.
Nate Beeler consistently leans to the right, but that doesn’t make him blind to the obvious flaws in Dear Leader’s empty health care promises.
I’d prefer it without the dialogue, which seems superfluous but really isn’t: Without it, it might be harder for viewers to grasp the idea that even magical Dumbo can’t fly on one wing.
This is a good use of a current pop culture reference, though apparently the movie itself is also having trouble remaining airborne.
As for the partisan hacks who are gibbering away trying to launch the next Red Scare, Jack Ohman has a good answer to their often off-the-wall attacks on AOC.
The cartoon is fairly muted in the sense that it isn’t leaping up to address some specific moment, but rather reflects a more extended one, and it’s appropriate for Ohman, a huge JFK fan, to have drawn it.
When JFK entered the scene, there was indeed a sense, as he put it in his inaugural speech, that “the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans,” and it’s important to realize that, while he inspired the students of his time to join the Peace Corps or to head south to register black voters, he himself was of the generation before, the World War II generation, and the leading edge as they came to power.
The young crew that has come into Congress along with AOC signals a similar change in mood, and it will be interesting to see, in the next set of elections, if the bartender really can cut off the old drunk.
BTW, JFK would be turning 100 next month (Correction: 102), and it’s the youngsters he inspired who now should be acting as mentors at best, but mostly should be getting out of the way and passing the torch to yet another new generation who will be “unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.”
Pelosi is doing a good job as a mentor. Biden and Sanders need to surrender the spotlight.
Meanwhile, they’re not fooling all the people all the time
Tom the Dancing Bug does a masterful job of skewering Bill Barr’s off-hand summary of the Mueller Report, which is apparently not getting terribly good reviews, despite the joy with which the Deplorables have greeted it.
According to one poll, over half of Independents trust the Mueller Report to have been fair.
But they don’t feel the same way about Barr’s summary, and even the majority of Republicans want to see the full document.
In Trump’s place, I’d release the report and then simply continue to lie about what it says.
It’s worked for him so far.
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