AAEC-feed Editorial cartooning

They’re very tolerant until it disagrees with them


What type of content seems to go over well in Madison?

People really like it when I make fun of Donald Trump. It’s a pretty liberal community here in Madison, so people always really love that. People always loved it when I when I would make fun of Scott Walker, the old governor of Wisconsin, and I get the most pushback when I make fun of how liberal people in Madison are. So I often like to say Madison is going over the top being ridiculous with policy or a suggestion, and that really gets people in Madison riled up. They don’t like being criticized. They’re very tolerant of everything until it disagrees with them.

Wisconsin State Journal cartoonist Phil Hands talks to the Gateway Journalism Review about “how he chooses the topics for his cartoons, how he first got into drawing cartoons in high school and the feedback he draws from people across the country.”


When you have an idea, how long does drawing a cartoon usually take from start to finish?

Around two hours, once I have the idea. Getting the idea can be the hard part; figuring out how you’re going to say what you want to say is really the hardest part about drawing a political cartoon. I think I’ve been drawing for so long that once the idea is formulated, I rarely ever get stuck on the drawing part. It’s the creative process where you’re figuring out how it works that often trips me up.

Read the full GJR interview with Phil Hands.





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