AAEC-feed Editorial cartooning

Cartoon News on the Opinion Page


I am writing in regards to the comic article printed in the Courier Traveler on Dec. 5 condemning Catholic clergy…

I feel it is so wrong for a local newspaper to comment about a religious denomination. How about an apology to all Catholics and Catholic clergy. This apology should be in large bold print. Printed in this same local newspaper.

I plan to cancel my subscription to this newspaper, which I have subscribed to for over 60 years.

A Cowley Courier Traveler reader is upset

above: The Sean Delonas cartoon that tresspassed into transgress?
The cartoon is not identified – this is my guess as to the guilty one.

An editorial cartoon that appeared Wednesday about the Pope and Catholic priests crossed the line from fair criticism to indecent attack.

We regret the decision to include that cartoon and apologize for subjecting our readers to it. Several readers have contacted us expressing their dismay or anger at our decision to publish the cartoon and asked for an apology, and they are right.

The Crowley Courier Traveler confesses and apologizes.


Hmmmm. Seems Sean has seen the error of his way and revised the cartoon:





[San Diego Union-Tribune] editorial cartoonist Steve Breen is going to Tijuana to get a clearer picture of why thousands of Central American migrants would travel thousands of miles in a caravan to seek asylum in the United States.

Steve Breen’s Drawn to America episode 1 animated video.




Elsewhere (The Nib)

Real Stories From Life Inside the Migrant Caravan by Gerardo Alba and Alice Driver.




The Voice of America on The Power of the Political Cartoon

“We’re a strange mix of things in that we are making serious commentary on serious topics, but we’re doing it not so seriously,” he says. “We like to see ourselves as opinion columnists that you’d see in a newspaper or somebody on TV who’s offering their opinion… and we get to draw our opinions with silly pictures!”

Three minute video (and transcript) of Matt Wuerker on editorial cartoons.




Dayton Daily News goes for Fair and Balanced

As loyal readers know, we’re several years into the “Ideas & Voices” format for our opinion pages that focuses on community voices and balanced views. We’ve been listening to your comments and suggestions for the page, and we’ve kicked off some changes to make these pages more valuable to our readers.

The most prominent change you’ll see on the page is the addition of a second daily cartoon, with each panel selected and presented from both sides of the political aisle. We know you want balanced views every day. So now you’ll find a cartoonist “From the Left” each day, alongside one “From the Right.” We’ll be adding a few artists to the stable, including Lisa Benson, a noted conservative voice with a sharp pen.




Waco Tribune Should Be Ashamed

Civil discourse is almost dead in America and by publishing this kind of insult the Trib is responsible for helping kill it. The Bush funeral presented an opportunity for us to come together, reflect on how we can become better people and citizens and admire and hopefully emulate an example of a great American. The very next day you stepped all over that message and went back to partisan, divisive rhetoric. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

In response to cartoonist Steve Sack’s attempt to make an anti-Republican statement about George H.W. Bush’s life and death by stating they still “make ’em like him,” “just not as Republicans,” I challenge Mr. Sack to name any current politician of any party who comes close to 41’s selfless dedication, honesty and integrity in service to fellow man and country.




WCPO-TV’s resident cartoon journalist.

Kevin Necessary likes the term “cartoon journalist” because it reminds people that he’s still a journalist first. “I look at these pieces almost like documentaries,” he says. On the longer, deeper stories, he does his own reporting, sometimes spending months talking to his subjects before he begins storyboarding and illustrating.

Necessary is not the only cartoon journalist in the country — he’s quick to name Dennis Draughon, who works for WRAL in North Carolina — but he and Mahaney believe he’s the only one producing longform content of this kind in the local TV sphere.

Cartoon journalism may not work for every station, in every market, but Necessary believes there is a lot of potential for cartoons to add an extra dimension. “I like to give the reader a moment to pause,” he says, “to reflect a bit on the story.”

Knight-Cronkite News Lab carries the story.





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