Political Cartoons and Cartoonists in the News
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Kevin Siers References A Past Master
Not news but I enjoyed Kevin Siers tribute to the famous Robert Minor cartoon
and using it for a current situation.
Elsewhere someone takes a famous cartoonist’s old cartoon and changes it to please his own political ideology without so much as a fare-thee-well. Something that seems to be increasingly common.
It’s not my favourite kind of imagery, familiar and overused, and quite frankly, if I could choose which of my cartoons could go viral this would be last on the list.
So to my surprise it resurfaced on a popular cartoon Facebook page 12 and a half years after, the image intact, and the captions butchered to suit an American audience.
Graeme MacKay is, naturally, a bit pissed.
Maine Press Association Announces 2018 Winners
Above: A Steve Meyers self-portrait
Cartooning Division:
A Steve Meyers testimonial:
The Steve Meyers cartoon immediately above was, unfortunately, one of the most disgusting items I have ever seen in print.
Contributor David Chelsea discusses his contribution.
Cartoonists can be so bitchy
“Didn’t Art Spiegelman once wish you a slow, painful death?”
Cartoonist Ace Backwords interacts with cartoonist Art Spiegelman.
The 1916 Robert Minor classic.
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