Comic strips

Dilbert’s Scott Adams Talks


Bloomberg Opinion columnist Barry Ritholtz interviews American cartoonist Scott Adams, who captured the dysfunction of the modern workplace in his long-running comic strip “Dilbert.” Adams has also written several works of satire, commentary and business analysis, including “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life” and “Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter.”



As his latest book goes paperback, Scott Adams discusses…


  •  Succeeding takes effort.
  • His brain works better in the morning.
  • His body works better at noon.
  • The night time is the right time for fun.



  • The Social Media business promotes incivility.
  • Why he understands Donald Trump and you don’t.
  • Why he’s further to the left than Bernie Sanders.
  • Donald Trump and Media Priorities as triggers.


Comics and Cartooning:

  • When the syndicate called to offer a contract they identified as United Media (not United Feature Syndicate) and Scott asked for credentials thinking it was some lame minor league company.
  • Why not being the best artist or writer didn’t affect the success of Dilbert.
  • Advice for aspiring cartoonists.
  • Cartoonist Jack Cassidy.


The 76 minutes audio at Bloomberg Opinion.




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