Comic Books Comic strips

Stan Lee – RIP


Comic book and comic strip writer and editor Stan Lee has passed away.

(Stanley Martin Lieber)
December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018


Stan Lee had been in the comics business since 1941, but it was in 1961 that he began his rise to fame. With Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Don Heck, and others Stan Lee created the legendary Marvel Comics of the 1960s.

As much as the stories it was Stan’s outreach to the readers that created a Marvelmania cult. Stan’s editorial asides, notes, and pages within the comic books set up an atmosphere that made the fans feel as if they were a part of the Marvel Bullpen, a part of a select community. Marvel comics were FUN.



Partnering Stan’s snazzy scripts with Jack Kirby’s explosive layouts generated intelligent, engrossing, ongoing stories that captivated the young people.
Marvel became the “In” place to be for the hip comic book reader.



While famous, and justly so, for his comic books, Stan had his hand in comic strips.

A list of his comic strips would include

Howdy Doody

My Friend Irma

Mrs. Lyons’ Cubs

Willie Lumpkin

The Virtue of Vera Valiant

Says Who

The Incredible Hulk

and The Amazing Spider-Man which started in 1977 and continues nearing a 42 year run.









Stan the Man and Roy the Boy two days ago – November 10, 2018





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Comments 1

  1. Thanks for the nice tribute to Stan; you captured the essence of his contributions to comics, specifically the way he gave readers the feeling that Marvel Comics was a community and a club—he also gave prominent credits to all the creative staff on every splash page of every book, which had never been done before Stan did it.

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