Fox News Slams “Far-Left” Chris Britt Cartoon
Skip to commentsA left-wing editorial cartoonist faced backlash over the weekend for drawing a cartoon that critics say mocked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh‘s 10-year-old daughter, Liza.
A right-wing “anonymous Twitter user” was upset over a recent Chris Britt cartoon reworking a portion of Brett Kavanaugh’s opening statement before the September 27 Senate Judicial hearing, and Fox News has picked it up.
The cartoon displayed Friday’s date as well as the name of the Illinois Times, an alternative weekly newspaper based in Springfield. However, it gained wider notice on Sunday, when an anonymous Twitter user said it “contravenes every standard of decency in our society” and asked the paper to “[p]lease remove it.”
In a Facebook statement Monday, the Illinois Times said Britt was “a regular contributor,” but “not an employee.” The paper added that the cartoon was posted on Britt’s Facebook page and “did not appear in our publication or on our website.
Chris Britt did not respond directly to Fox News inquiries.
On his Facebook page, Britt responded to one critic by saying “I’m not the one who brought up his children. Brett ‘I LOVE BEER’ Kavanaugh brought them up.” The page was later removed from public view.
Fox News notes that most of Chris’ recent cartoons deal with the Kavanaugh assault allegations.
Fox News was actually late to the game, as conservative sites such as Newsbusters, Townhall, The Daily Wire, and others were registering their disgust earlier Monday.
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