The AAEC Convention and Other Quick Hits
Skip to commentsI was hoping to post a bunch of cartoonists recapping their attendance at the 2018 AAEC Convention in Sacramento, but there seems to be a dearth of such retrospectives. I guess they had to rush to this week’s CXC festival where Mike Peterson is detailing the AAEC’s participation even as we type.
However there are a few who wrote of their enjoyable experience.
Brian Fies, who lives just around the corner from Sacramento, took an outsider’s look inside the AAEC Convention. Brian has made a name by reporting-cartooning real life events, his latest is A Fire Story.
Brian is a professional who writes with a fan’s enthusiasm about meeting AAEC cartoonists.
Another outsider (can Canadians be called “outsiders” as far as an “American” convention is concerned?) Graeme MacKay (what kind of American spells his name like that?), editorial cartoonist from North of the Border, listed some highlights of his unconventional visit.
Graeme celebrated his birthday at the convention.
Today (relative) newcomer Nathan Archer of the Tennessee Democrat,
who also celebrated his birthday at the convention,…
tells how he enjoyed attending his 3rd convention.
Of course, many shared via their Facebook pages. And to supplement the pictures from the above blogs go to #SacAAEC for more pictures.
Oh, also at the convention, New Zealand cartoonist Rod Emmerson received a singular honor.
Today I really enjoyed Darrin Bell‘s Candorville
which comments on people’s willful misinterpretation of an editorial’s intent.
Marc Valles, editor at the Times Standard, writes of a paper printing cartoons from both sides of the political divide.
Apparently, we’re a Trump-bashing, liberal rag run by unabashed conservatives who defend Trump at every turn.
What’s a newspaper editor to do?
And finally: Congratulations to Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Garry B. Trudeau.
He began his cartooning career 50 years ago today with his first comic strip appearing in the September 30, 1968 edition of the Yale Daily News.
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