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Icons of Political Art – And Varvel Makes Three

We have mentioned the Advancing American Democracy Award to three Icons of Political Art, and we have linked to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article about Mike Luckovich being honored and The Daily Signal’s recognizing Michael Ramirez as a recipient.

And now Heeeere’s Gary!


The Indianapolis Star is Gary Varvel’s home paper and they haven’t over looked the upcoming acclaim. They have let Gary loose in a free-wheeling, self-deprecating column about it:

This Thursday, along with two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonists Mike Luckovich and Michael Ramirez, I will receive the “Advancing American Democracy Award.”

Accepting this award alongside Luckovich and Ramirez, who have won not just one, but two, count ’em, two Pulitzer Prizes each for editorial cartooning is intimidating.

By the way, do you know what they call a cartoonist who has won two Pulitzers? Greedy.

Gary manages to give a brief profile of himself and fellow Brothers-in-Art and the worthiness of all:

This year’s event is called the, “Icons of Political Art.”

Now I know what you’re probably thinking: Luckovich and Ramirez are definitely “icons.” But Varvel? An “icon?” Trust me, the irony is not lost on me.

My feelings are best described by the late comedian George Gobel on the Tonight Show in 1969. That night he followed entertainment giants Bob Hope and Dean Martin and after sitting down next to them on the couch Gobel turned to Johnny Carson and said, “Did you ever get the feeling that the world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?”

Read Gary’s full, modest appreciation of the honor, where he assures he will show up (spoiler alert):

You’ll recognize me. I will be the one wearing brown shoes.

The Indianapolis Star page also features a time lapse video of Gary drawing that top caricature.






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