Editorial cartooning

Comics Kingdom to Run Darrin Bell’s Editorial Cartoons

Comics Kingdom has announced that Darrin Bell’s editorial cartoons will start running on their site starting next week.

The obvious next question is: does this mean Bell is leaving The Washington Post News Service and Syndicate for King Features? Will Bell’s work continue on GoComics? The only KFS feature that currently runs on both Comics Kingdom and GoComics is Shoe.

Stay tuned.



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Comments 6

  1. And why has Darrin Bell’s Rudy Park been in reruns for the last 9 weeks?

  2. Wasn’t Shoe was a legacy from Tribune Syndicate?

  3. But why aren’t King comics on GoComics? They seem to be the only hold out.

  4. @Tina-
    for the same reason you don’t see new Chevys on a Ford dealership lot

  5. Hello Mr. Miller. We’re big fans in the Chambers’ house. I guess your explanation makes sense but there are Tribune and Creations syndicate comics on GoComics.

  6. @Wiley
    As usual you crack me up and put your finger on the point at the same time 🙂

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