Comic strips

Francesco Marciuliano ends Sally Forth trope

Among the many regular occurrences in the Sally Forth comic
strip is the morning breakfast cereal Powdered Toast Crunch.
This was a sort of salute to the 1990s Ren and Stimpy
cartoon show where the cereal originated.

Unfortunately a month ago allegations were published that
the creator of Ren and Stimpy had engaged in sexual abuse.
The news came at the end of March 2018, meaning it was too late
to do anything about the Sunday April 29, 2018 edition of
Sally Forth which referenced Powdered Toast Crunch.

Sally Forth writer Francesco Marciuliano explains
that this would be the last mention of the cereal:

You Are Toast

hat tip:

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Comments 1

  1. I’ve corresponded with people who worked with the Ren and Stimpy creator. It was very, very rare for them to say anything positive about the man.

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