Peanuts Movie streaming available on 16th anniversary of Charles Schulz passing
Skip to commentsI noticed The Peanuts Movie was listed as being available for streaming on February 12 on Apple iTunes. That date is significant as the anniversary of the passing of Charles Schulz 16 years ago. The video also becomes available on Amazon instant streaming on that date. For those of you wanting to buy the DVD or Blu-ray, you will have to wait until March 8.
Here is a list of streaming options and release dates.
iTunes Stream – February 12, 2016
Amazon Instant Stream – February 12, 2016
Amazon DVD, Blu-ray 3D – March 8, 2016
Redbox DVD – April 5, 2016
Netflix DVD, Blu-ray – April 5, 2016
Source: New DVD Release Dates
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