Podcast: Episode 229 ? Gavin Aung Than of ?Zen Pencils?
Skip to commentsTom Racine’s latest Tall Tale Radio podcast episode is now available. Head over to Tall Tale Radio and give it a listen. In this episode:
One of my favorite comics of recent years is “Zen Pencils” by Gavin Aung Than. Gavin takes all sorts of quotes from a wide variety of sources, and illustrates them in his clean, beautiful style in glorious comic book form. In a world of slapped together memes with poorly designed font use and cheesy pictures, “Zen Pencils” shows us what a professional artist with a deep passion for his work can achieve.
Melbourne, Australia-based Gavin is about to go on a whirlwind tour of the United States to promote his second “Zen Pencils” book, and you can find the dates and cities right here. He’s one of the nicest blokes you’ll meet, so if you can, get out and see him! You can get copies of his books right here, too!
You can read “Zen Pencils” over at GoComics, or you can check out Gavin’s site right here, where he writes behind-the-scenes blogs about the quote of the week and his process!
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