Comic strips

Exhibit explores evolving Ginger Meggs strip to stay current with Aussie society

From Australian Broadcasting Corporation:

A new exhibition at the Museum of Sydney highlights how important Ginger Meggs has been in charting the changing nature of childhood and Australian society over the past 90 years. It contains examples of strips drawn by the five artists who have worked on Ginger over the years as well as other memorabilia.

Ginger Meggs remains this country’s longest running comic strip, and still appears in 120 newspapers around the world, including some Australian titles. The glory days of pages and pages of full colour comic lift-outs in Australia’s weekend papers have long passed, however, and even Ginger’s current cartoonist, Jason Chatfield, is unsure how long newspaper comics can last.

You can listen to the radio report here:

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Comments 1

  1. Sounds like a great exhibition, with a history of Australia to be seen through comics. Kudos to Jason for all the hard work in keeping it alive and kicking and revamping it for the 21st Century!

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