AAEC-feed Editorial cartooning

Mike Luckovich makes point about women on the $10; commits federal crime

Monday, Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial cartoonist Mike Luckovich defaced a $10 bill while discussing and commenting on the recent news of the Treasury announcing future $10 bills will feature a woman. I won’t spoil the ending, you’ll have to click through the image below and watch the video.

Federal law prohibits mutilating or disfiguring U.S. currency and is punishable with a fine or up to six-months in prison. I’m fairly sure Mike’s modification to Alexander Hamilton falls under protected free speech and even if not, imprisonment is probably reserved for mass deliberate, fraud type of mutilations of currency. So, whew! I’d hate for Mike to the first Pulitzer-Prize prison bit–.

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Comments 1

  1. Employed cartoonist showing off with his fancy $10 bill.

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