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Atena Faraghdani’s Attorney Arrested for Shaking Her Hand

Atena Farghadani

As if the news of Iranian activist and artist Atena Faraghdani’s being sentenced for 12.5 years for posting a cartoon on Facebook was outrageous enough, Global Village is reporting that Atena’s attorney has also been arrested for … shaking her hand.

From The Global Village:

Mohammad Moghimi, the attorney of the Iranian activist and cartoonist Atena Faraghdani was arrested on 10 June following a visit to his client in jail. His charges are based on the fact that he shook Faraghdani’s hand. Faraghdani was recently sentenced to 12.5 years in prison for posting drawings and content critical of the government on her Facebook page.

According to the Human Rights Activist News Agency, Moghimi has been transferred to ward 10 of Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj. His bail has been set to 20 million tomans -approximately $7000 USD. It is likely Faraghdani will face similar charges.

There’s a social media campaign called #Draw4Atena and #FreeAtena which are trying to raise social awareness to the unfair sentencing of Atena. She has but a few more days left to appeal. Cartoonist Rights Network International has posted letter outlines that you can email to Iran’s Permanent Mission to the UN. It’s also suggested that you contact your congressional representatives (Congress, Senate). Freedom for Atena will require international pressure more so than hashtags.

Atena Farghadani
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