Cartoons Comic strips Controversies

Keith Knight pulls anti-vax cartoon after DailyKos readers leave threats


K Chronicles creator Keith Knight hinted that the reaction to the cartoon above that was posted on DailyKos was so bad, he felt he needed to take it down.

The Raw Story has more on the reaction both by Keith and DailyKos readers.

But Knight assured us that he himself made the decision to pull down the strip.

?I took it down myself. A few comments crossed the line with me, so I took it down,? he told us in an email. We asked if by ?crossing the line,? he meant that there had been personal threats. But he said, ?I can take the personal threats?but once it goes beyond that ? ?

Expressing unpopular opinion is not for everyone. Side affects vary but may include pissing off people who think of themselves as tolerant, inflaming internet comment sections or receiving unwanted threats to oneself or family.

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Comments 2

  1. “Expressing unpopular opinion is not for everyone. Side affects vary but may include pissing off people who think of themselves as tolerant, inflaming internet comment sections or receiving unwanted threats to oneself or family.”

    I see what you did there… 🙂

  2. This is a tough one. Cartoonists should have freedom of speech, but what if that does harm?

    Vaccines work differently to other medicines which can be taken individually, without affecting their efficacy. But vaccines need to be given to a significant proportion of the population to keep infectious diseases in check.

    It may not matter if 2% of kids don’t get vaccinated against measles, because the ones who do are enough to stop it spreading from child to child. In effect, the 98% of the herd protects the 2%. But if only 50% are vaccinated, there is a no herd immunity. Measles can spread. Measles can even kill and that is a greater risk than any reaction to the vaccine.

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