Editorial cartooning Mohammed Cartoon

Ann Telnaes: European cartoonist conference cancelled due to security concerns

Washington Post cartoonist Ann Telnaes writes:

??we unfortunately have decided to cancel??

That was part of an email waiting for me this morning from Stéphane Grimaldi, the Directeur General of Le Mémorial de Caen in Normandy, France concerning a cartoonists? conference I was due to attend in April. Mr. Grimaldi explained that because of security concerns and the fact the Memorial?s website had been hacked six times in less than a month, he had no choice but to cancel the meeting of 43 cartoonists from around the world.

via A chilling effect on the cartooning world – The Washington Post.

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Comments 3

  1. Hacked SIX times in a MONTH.

    That IS chilling… If they can’t secure their website, it is unlikely they can secure their event – UNLESS – the French Government steps in…?

  2. Sorry to hear this, Ann. It’s disturbing on many levels, not the least of which is conceding defeat to terrorists.

  3. A very sad response from the organizers. Why shouldn’t the organizers of such events display the same courage as the cartoonists? Fair weather friends don’t help he defense of free speech. I’d boycott the event in the future.

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