Almost like clockwork, someone is suing a major movie studio claiming plagiarism. This time Isabella Tanikumi claims Disney based Frozen on her book Yearnings Of The Heart and not the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tell.
Here’s how Tanikumi’s book is described by Entertainment Wise:
“This is a compelling, introspective account of the life of Isabella Tanikumi, who takes her readers on a journey through various phases of her remarkable life- from her family?s survival during the devastating earthquake of 1970 in Huaraz, Peru, to the trials of overcoming heartbreaks of her youth. Conquering personal insecurities led to exploring the reaches of her intellect while facing the tragic, and untimely death of her beloved sister, Laura.
My initial “I’m not a lawyer” take on this is she’s fishing for a out-of-court settlement.
Yeah, because she wrote HER book years before Hans Christian Andersen……… lol……
I like the term “fishing”…. sums up the entire saga.
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