Books Cartoons

Captain Underpants is #1 banned book in America. Again

Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants has topped the list of books that were banned or challenged in 2013 according to the Office for Intellectual Freedom. The reasons cited include “offensive language, unsuited for age group, violence.”

Also making the list this year – as far as other comic/cartoon related books are concerned: Jeff Smith’s Bone series for “political viewpoint, racism, violence.”

NPR interviewed Jeff and Dav about their books. You can read/listen to the story on

Money quote from Jeff:

“I mean my heroes are on this list,” he says. “People like Mark Twain and Steinbeck and Melville and Vonnegut, so part of me also kind of says, ‘OK, fine I can be on this list.’ “

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Comments 2

  1. Being part of a banned list is always a good thing.
    Kids will naturally be drawn to something adults don’t want them to see. It’s like pouring sugar on a picnic to keep the ants away.

  2. I love Pilkey’s books. They encourage my little reluctant readers at home. “Captain Underpants” will always be welcomed in my house.

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