Disney working on live-action Dumbo sequel
Skip to commentsJust when I think Disney couldn’t possibly demonstrate more that it has no soul. This.
Hollywood Reporter reports a live-action Dumbo movie is in the works. Ehren Kruger (Transformers) is writing the script, Justin Springer (Tron: Legacy, Oblivion) will produce.
The new take involves the adaptation of the original movie while adding a unique family story that parallels Dumbo’s story. Also, the studio believes that because of the current state of CG technology, live-action movies featuring a soaring pachyderm (or any animal for that matter) are viable.
This is the latest classic animated title that Disney is turning into a live-action movie, and it?s a strategy that has paid off: Maleficent, the most recent example, is a re-imagining of the 1959 movie Sleeping Beauty and has grossed more than $630 million worldwide since its May 30 release. The granddaddy of them all is the Johnny Depp version of Alice in Wonderland, which has earned more than $1 billion.
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