Animation National Cartoonist Society

Renee Faundo wins 2014 Jay Kennedy Scholarship

The National Cartoonists Society Foundation (NCSF) has announced the recipient of this year’s Jay Kennedy Memorial Scholarship is Renee Faundo, a character animation major at California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, CA. She wins a $5,000 scholarship and a trip to this year’s Reuben Award Weekend in San Diego, CA.

From the NCSF:

In addition to her studies, Renee is active in the animation field, working on the short films ?Nail?d? and ?Tea Time,? interning at Pride Animation Studio, and volunteering for the CTN Animation Expo. She has won a Governor?s Medallion while participating in the California State Summer School for the Arts (CSSSA), a High School Television Award from the Emmy Foundation, and has been named a Merit Award Winner for Cinematic Arts by the YoungArts Foundation.

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