Rall: The New Yorker is bad for cartooning
Skip to commentsThe New Yorker is terrible for cartooning because it prints a lot of awful cartoons, and uses its reputation in order to elevate terrible work as the profession?s platinum standard.
They pay pretty well. Which prompts too many talented artists, who under a better economic and media model would produce interesting, intelligent, great cartoons (and did so, in the alternative weekly newspapers of the 1990s, for example), to pull their satiric punches and stifle their creativity. Of course, not every cartoonist follows the siren call to Mankoff?s office in the Condé Nast building. It is possible to make a living selling cartoons to other venues. I do. Still, the New Yorker casts a long shadow, silently asking a question one fears is heard by art directors everywhere: If you?re so smart and so funny and so talented, why aren?t you in The New Yorker?
Classic Rall drivel. Note his standard conclusion that alt weeklies are where great cartoons are found and the injection of himself as being superior (e.g. selling cartoons in a more successful venue than New Yorker cartoonists). Let translate what he’s really saying: “I’ll never get into the New Yorker, so it sucks.”
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