OMG! Washington Post providing platform to liberals wanting to kill off Prickly City?
Skip to commentsFrom Ken Shepherd of NewsBusters:
Editors of the Saturday Washington Post’s Free for All section published three angry missives from readers wishing to censor the conservative-leaning cartoon strip Prickly City.
Obviously Knopf, Ushers, and Brooks are all entitled to their opinions, but it’s curious as to why the Post decided to give them a platform in their push to censor a conservative cartoonist from the paper’s pages. A search for “Prickly City” on the Post website yielded other occasions where letter writers were given space to carp about the conservative cartoon’s inclusion in the funny pages.
It’s not curious at all. Newspapers run letters to the editor. I see letters all across the country decrying Prickly City, Mallard Fillmore AND Doonesbury. We’ve become a society that dislikes any views contrary to our own – even in comic form. Any scandal here is NewsBusters generating a scandal where one doesn’t exist. THIS! is what I hate about US political/cultural dialog.
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