Update on progress for Daily Cartoonist make over
Skip to commentsAs many of you know, last November I ran a successful Indiegogo fundraiser to support my efforts with the blog and I help fulfil several lofty goals around a major redesign of the blog both visually and with the content. It’s been awhile, since the topic has come up, so I thought I’d offer an update on where things stand.
1) I sincerely appreciate the many people who offered incentives to be given away to donors. It made a huge difference in the success of the drive compared to previous years. I underestimated the time it would take to get everyone’s stuff mailed off, but am happy to report it was all sent out within 2-3 weeks. Everyone should have received their reward by Christmas at the latest.
2) The redesign and content update: I took initial steps before the Christmas season, but spent most of December and early January working on the eBook that I promised the last week of the campaign to any last-minute donors (or those who increased their original donation). I estimate that eBook is about 90% done. It needs a couple more rounds of editing before I’ll release it.
Progress in general toward these goals has been slower than I had planned. I hinted last year that the blog took the back burner while I focused on other undisclosed issues in my life. Those issues were marital in nature – my wife and I had separated for about five months. We got back together, moved the family into a new home and tried to start fresh, but it hasn’t gone well. The last six weeks have primarily been focused on dividing assets, custody and a myriad of other issues that go with a divorce. The blog has again taken a back-burner position.
Looking into the future, I am still committed to the blog and the goals I set out to accomplish. I need another couple of weeks to settle into my new place, find a groove and start moving my goals forward. With the prospect of a few more quiet nights each week, I plan on spending them at the drafting table. For many reasons Neil Gaiman’s 2012 commencement address to the University of Arts has been influential to me, but his advice on dealing with difficult times as an artist is well received right now.
Life is sometimes hard. Things go wrong, in life and in love and in business and in friendship and in health and in all the other ways that life can go wrong. And when things get tough, this is what you should do.
Make good art.
Wish me luck and thank you all for your patience.
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