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Audio: Charles Schulz’s UCLA speech in 1971

The UCLA Communications Studies has posted the audio of a speech given by Peanuts creator Charles Schulz in 1971. Unfortunately, even though delivered as a video, it’s only the audio – we don’t see any of the cartoons he draws for the audience.

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Comments 4

  1. In those days, having the ability to make a recording was only possible as an audio tape on a reel rather than video, we’re lucky someone at the college had the hindsight to keep such a recording of his voice at all. Not that I expect someone to have had expensive video equipment handy to lug over for such a use, but you have to keep that in mind when it comes to scheduled lectures like this.

  2. Nice to hear Schulz, who was a good speaker.

  3. Took me a few days to have time to listen to this, but I thoroughly enjoyed listening. Thanks for sharing, Alan.

  4. By far one of the most authentic and intimate talks I’ve ever heard by Schulz. He seems more at ease and candid in this format than in a staged video or interview. He answers the questions from the audience in such a relaxed manner and it’s fun hearing him explain things so naturally about the creative process of Peanuts. His chuckle at the end of a sentence is priceless. Hearing this makes me feel like I finally met the man. A true GEM, Alan…thanks for posting!

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