Bill Amend releases math Foxtrot app
Skip to commentsBill Amend, the creator of Foxtrot, has coded and released a math quiz app called “The Jason Fox Math Quizzer“. The motivation for the app is rekindling a rusty skill – programming.
One evening last January I decided that my 2013 New Year?s resolution would be to reawaken that happy younger me by updating my 30-years-out-of-date programming skills to the point where I could try writing an iOS app. I even had a super-easy-to-implement app idea in mind: a Jason Fox themed math quiz. In hindsight I was probably drunk at the time, or at minimum on cold medicine. Anyway, after about two weeks of reading books and watching Stanford CS lectures via iTunes, I was convinced that writing a math app was not only doable, but probably wouldn?t take me that long. Silly cartoonist.
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