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Adam Zyglis wins Clifford K. and James T. Berryman Award

Buffalo News editorial cartoonist Adam Zyglis has been awarded this year’s Clifford K. and James T. Berryman Award for Editorial Cartooning. The Berryman award is awarded by the National Press Foundation. Adam will officially receive his award in March during their annual awards dinner.

Congratulations, Adam!

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Comments 12

  1. Muchos kudos, Adam! Great year for you, eh? Enjoy the big banquet in DC!

  2. Many thanks guys!! Truly an honor. And yes, Nate, a great year indeed – with an amazing finish!

  3. Congratulations Adam! Happy Holidays!

  4. Great Stuff! Adam’s work continues to impress. Congrats!

  5. Congratulations, Adam! Nice work!

  6. Congrats on the award and the new baby!

  7. Very fine work, Adam! I enjoyed the larger portfolio on the BN website, too.

  8. Heartfelt congratulations on your new baby and award. In that order.

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