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Steve Breen’s yet-to-be-published book optioned for movie

Exciting news for editorial cartoonist Steve Breen.

Hollywood bidding wars usually involve high-profile names and entities like J.K. Rowling or Voltron robots. But the most recent battle over film rights happened over the U-T?s own political cartoonist, Steve Breen.

On Friday, Universal Pictures won a bidding war to produce a comedy based on Breen?s upcoming book of illustrations, ?Unicorn Executions and Other Crazy Stuff My Kids Make Me Draw: A Father?s Pictorial Take on the Hilarious Things His Kids Say.?

Book is out next spring.

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Comments 3

  1. Wow, that’s terrific! More major motion pictures should come from the minds of cartoonists!

  2. Not actually news. More like hype. ” Bidding war?” I doubt it. Me thinks CAA called a few semi interested clients to put together a “possible” package and “deal” was called in Hlyd parlance an “IF deal” whereupon NO money is exchanged. IF is sold it gets so much $ and IF it ever gets made then it will be this much $. My guess NO money was even exchanged at all.

    Another client of CAA, Plan B pitched it around town and GOT NO TAKERS so they kicked it back to the agents. To quote the article

    “Among the bidders was Brad Pitt?s production company, Plan B, which pitched it to several studios, including New Regency, New Line, Warner Bros. and Paramount.”

    So Breen can cork that champagne for the moment.

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