Comic strips

Cartoonists tattoos blank panels on arm

A UK comic book artist solved his dilemma of what tattoo he should have, but having four panels tattooed to his arm and then he fills them in with his own comics.

A comic book artist by trade -and therefore well placed to design his own tattoo each day – Patrick Yurick wanted to combine his love of comics with an unfulfilled desire to get a tattoo.

The 30-year-old says that while he had wanted a tattoo for more than a decade, he couldn’t commit to a design. It was only after seeing an offer on Groupon that he decided to take the plunge.

Source: Huffington Post

Correction: Even though this article appeared in the UK, the artist Patrick Yurick is a US citizen living in California.

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Comments 10

  1. Daily Cartoonist,Tue, Jan 21st, 2031:

    UK Cartoonist Dies of Sharpie Skin Poisoning

    After spending the last 17 years drawing a new comic strip every day within four permanently tattooed blank panels on his forearm, a popular UK cartoonist passes away yesterday of skin poisoning from the absorption of hundreds of ounces of toxic chemicals from the inks he used to draw with. His last tweet: “in hindsight, this might not have been such a great idea.”

  2. The only way this could be stupider is if he was left handed.

  3. Somebody has to ask. How much does he charge for the strip of original art?

  4. I know an editor at Uclick and they are in talks with Him to publish his work on their site
    No Joke!

  5. From what I read, “No Joke” is certainly an appropriate name for the strip.

  6. This is just the start. Which body part will be next and will it be Safe For Work *or* Not Safe For Work…?

    Forehead? Or fore…

  7. Weirdly, I have never been to the UK.

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