Editorial cartooning

Henry Payne loses editorial cartooning job with Detroit News

2013 Henry Payne Cartoon

Bill McGraw reports that Detroit News editorial cartoonist Henry Payne will no longer be drawing editorial cartoons for the paper. He will remain on staff as a writer for the editorial page.

From Deadline Detroit:

Payne was a victim of the ongoing cutbacks at Detroit’s two daily newspapers as they continue to lose print circulation in an era of expanding digital journalism.

“I won’t be doing any local news cartoons,” Payne said Thursday. “It’s just economics. They needed to make cuts; I’m one of the casualties.

The paper will continue to run syndicated editorial cartoons – including those from Henry which is distributed through Universal Uclick.

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Comments 6

  1. So- Henry is still getting paid …..his paper still has his expenses…..but
    the readers no longer have any graphic local commentary….and the savings is….(?)

  2. Good point Milt…so was Henry getting paid separately to do Both? Is this a Gannett paper?

  3. Terrible loss of an economic, concise, graphic powerhouse cartoonist and a devastating blow to the profession. If we can still call it that. That he’ll continue to write appears to trash the old “picture worth 1000 words” saw.

    Pres. of the AAEC’s Matt Wuerker’s suggestion that everything in ed. cartoon land is status quo if not peachy except “They just don’t get health insurance.” is an odd thing to say. -I’m pretty sure given a choice between the two most of the guys I know who found themselves out of work would prefer the check.

  4. “Economic”? “Concise”? Are we still talking about Henry “Here’s a cartoon that is a paragraph-long bumper sticker on the back of a car for the hundredth time” Payne?

  5. Too bad! Henry Payne’s one of the few really good conservative political cartoonists out there. Detroit’s comeback continues. Not.

  6. Just further proof that the elimination of editorial cartooning doesn’t have a DAMN !@#$% thing to do with money……the DN is STILL paying Payne…they just don’t want any local cartoons…..
    The elimination of editorial cartoons from America’s newspapers IS the downsizing of journalism….just financial suicide. Nothing more, nothing less.

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